Time2Act@SD insights presented on Research and Knowledge Exchange Festival (8 february 2024)
Earlier today, Dr Andriani Piki, Lecturer in Computing at UCLan Cyprus, presented insights from the TIME2ACT@SD project during...
Sustainable Futures – A journey through the SDGs
Game-based learning (GBL) creates immense opportunities in the context of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It can contribute...
TIME2ACT@SD Online Meeting (9 January 2024)
🌍 Online Meeting of the Time2Act@SD Team! 🌿 On the 9th of January 2024, the partners of the...
Clean water & sanitation
For more information about Time2Act@SD Project: https://time2act.ipsantarem.pt/
TIME2ACT@SD Online Meeting (4 December 2023)
🌍 Exciting Update from the Time2Act@SD Team! 🌿 On December 4, 2023, our passionate team gathered to take...
🌿Time2act@SD at CRIARS2023 🌿 (23 november 2023)
We are pleased to inform you that IPSantarem actively participated in the recent congress “V Congresso Ibero-Americano de...
TIME2ACT@SD Online Meeting (21 November 2023)
🌍 Erasmus+ Project Update: TIME2ACT@SD On this 21st day of November 2023, the TIME2ACT@SD team convened to delve...
TIME2ACT@SD 10th Project Management Meeting (6 November 2023)
🌍 We are thrilled to share updates from our recent Erasmus+ project, TIME2ACT@SD, following our 10th Project Management...
Time2Act@SD on Erasmus+ Days Info Day at UCLan Cyprus, Pyla, Larnaca, Cyprus
TIME2ACT@SD was one of the featured projects during the #ErasmusPlus Info Day and Showcase event organised at UCLan...
IPSantarem at CCS 2023 Conference
We are thrilled to share that IPSantarem was an active participant at the recent “5th Conferência Campus Sustentável...