TIME2ACT@SD 2nd Online Meeting


On 6 March, 2023, the second online meeting of the TIME2ACT@SD (Time to act through sustainable experiences for higher education students) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, took place.

TIME2ACT@SD aims to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, as well as behavioural change among EU higher education students, in the field of sustainable development (SD) and the SDGs, through the development of interactive content, digital tools, and innovative teaching methods for use by higher education teachers.

This meeting was dedicated to issues of WP1 (Project Management) and WP2 (Transnational studies with HE students and teachers).

The project partners are Instituto Politécnico de Santarém (Portugal), which coordinates the project, UCLan Cyprus (Cyprus), Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen (Belgium), Learnmera Oy (Finland), Galileo.it (Italy), Rosto Solidário (Portugal), Gazi University (Türkiey).

2nd online meeting