On 6 June, 2023, the 5th online meeting of the TIME2ACT@SD (Time to act through sustainable experiences for higher education students) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, took place.
This meeting was dedicated to issues of:
- WP1 (Project Management)
- WP2 (Transnational studies with HE students and teachers) and
- WP5 (Strengthening the cooperation partnership & dissemination and exploitation of the project’s results).
The team is collecting data on education for sustainable development from higher education students and teachers.
- Politécnico de Santarém (Portugal),
- UCLan Cyprus (Cyprus),
- Thomas More hogeschool (Belgium),
- Gazi Üniversitesi (Turkey),
- The Language Menu – Learnmera (Finland),
- Galileo (Italy) and
- Rosto Solidário (Portugal).
For more information: https://time2act.ipsantarem.pt/