Sustainable Futures – A journey through the SDGs
Game-based learning (GBL) creates immense opportunities in the context of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It can contribute...
🌿Time2act@SD at CRIARS2023 🌿 (23 november 2023)
We are pleased to inform you that IPSantarem actively participated in the recent congress “V Congresso Ibero-Americano de...
IPSantarem at CCS 2023 Conference
We are thrilled to share that IPSantarem was an active participant at the recent “5th Conferência Campus Sustentável...
TIME2ACT@SD Gaps related to environmental sustainability literacy
According to a survey involving 716 higher education students as part of the Erasmus+ project TIME2ACT@SD (Time to act through sustainable experiences for higher education students), there are six main gaps related to environmental sustainability literacy.
TIME2ACT@SD A sneak peek of data collection results
For students, the most engaging learning methods to discover sustainable development and the SDGs are: Project partners: For...